Customer Service Email Templates

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Customer Service
Email Templates

No matter how fancy your product is, you won’t succeed if your customers are unhappy. 

Great customer service is the core of every successful business. The first step in achieving customer satisfaction is reaching them on the right platform. 

72% of customers prefer to be contacted through emails. Well, it’s no surprise since emails are permission-based, personalized, and valuable in nature. 

Execute powerful campaigns by using customer service email templates. They’re time-saving and hence, help you prioritize nurturing relationships than stressing out over email design. 

Before you select any template, remember the following factors. 

How to Choose the Best Customer Service Email Templates?

An average template leads to an average email. Considering the below factors helps you create customer service emails that instantly stand out. 

Personalization is Key 

The truth is that people despise receiving generic emails. Customers should feel special when you interact with them. Thus, to win their loyalty, you must send messages specifically meant for them. 

But how is that possible when you have a large mailing list? Through personalization. 

Choose customer service email templates that feature dynamic content blocks. With them, you can show different messages to different segments. For instance, an apparel brand’s email will show the men’s collection to the male gender and the women’s collection to the female one. 

Level up your game by choosing a template provider, like Unlayer, that offers merge tags. With them, you can address your customers with their first names, among other uses. 

Remember the Purpose 

You’re reaching out to your customers for multiple reasons. Be it a brand pitch email or feedback one; the purposes are endless. 

When selecting customer service email templates, keep in mind the campaign nature. Templates for different campaigns will have different layouts and text-to-visual ratios. A survey email will be concise and have the form embedded in it, while a promotions email will have a more convincing design. 

Prioritize Responsiveness

47% of all consumers check emails on their mobile devices - that’s nearly half of your subscriber base. It makes perfect sense to choose customer service email templates that are mobile-responsive. 

Be cautious when finalizing templates - they must be tested beforehand for their responsiveness. The templates at Unlayer have been tested on Litmus and Email On Acid and are guaranteed to display well across all devices. 

Choose Unlayer for Customer Service Email Templates 

Unlayer is your ally in your mission to make your customers feel loved and special. Below are a few reasons why you must opt for Unlayer: 

  • 1000+ responsive email templates 

  • Easy-to-use drag and drop editor

  • Personalization features, like merge tags

  • Inbuilt image editor 

  • Ability to embed rich multimedia 

  • Instant feedback through the collaborative feature 

  • Integration with multiple email service providers 

We’re excited about making your customers satisfied. Are you? 

Begin your free trial now, no credit card details needed!